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Cabrini Library Bulletin: Library Update August 2024

monthly bulletin featuring latest studies, news and featured resources

Welcome to Cabrini Library Bulletin

Library News

This section will highlight any new resources, services, guides and training.  As well as any updated information on resource updates provided by vendors or relevant health societies.

Latest Research

All recent research under relevant topics are listed with links to either the fulltext or the abstract.  Always remember that the library can provide a fulltext of an article not available by open access or subscribed links.

Latest Research

Midwives trained to recognise perinatal depression

Ravaldi, C., Mosconi, L., Crescioli, G. et al. Are midwives trained to recognise perinatal depression symptoms? Results of MAMA (MAternal Mood Assessment) cross-sectional survey in Italy. Arch Womens Ment Health 27, 567–576 (2024).

Read Full Text

A study of Italian midwives in Italy found 76.3% from an online survey were not trained adequately to recognise or have a comprehensive understanding of perinatal depression. More specialised guidelines and formal education is needed.  Increased communication skills continuity of care is required and essential to support affected mothers.


Digital Health Competency

Jarva, E., Oikarinen, A., Andersson, J., Pramila-Savukoski, S., Hammarén, M., & Mikkonen, K. (2024). Healthcare professionals' digital health competence profiles and associated factors: A cross-sectional study. Journal of advanced nursing80(8), 3236–3252.  Read Full text

Nursing and allied health professionals working in other than outpatient environments should be specifically acknowledged when digital health competence development initiatives are designed and targeted. The positive influence from colleagues could be harnessed by enhancing their involvement in digital health competence development methods such as orientation, mentoring or coaching. Additionally, managers should take a stronger role in supporting different areas of digital health competence.


Extravasation in injectable drugs

Maezawa, M. , Miyasaka, K. , Hirofuji, S. , Wakabayashi, W. , Iwata, M. , Nakao, S. , Akase, T. , Iguchi, K. & Nakamura, M. (2024). Identification of Drugs and Patient Profiles at Risk for Severe Skin Injuries Due to Extravasation. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 47 (4), 233-248. doi: 10.1097/NAN.0000000000000549. Read Abstract 

A Japanese study looked at adverse event reports related to necrosis, ulcers, or erosions due to extravasation were considered “with severe skin injury,” and others were considered “without severe skin injury.” Nine factors were identified as independent risk factors for severe skin injury, including age (<10 or ≥70 years), peripheral parenteral nutrition use, and mental disorders. The findings of this study reiterate that nurses might consider closely observing patients with the risk factors identified in this study for the prevention and early detection of extravasation-related skin injuries.

Pressure Injury trigger tool

Wallent, Jessica and Foran, Paula (2024) "Triggering change in perioperative pressure injury risk assessment: A project report," Journal of Perioperative Nursing: Vol. 37 : Iss. 2 , Article 7. Available at:  Read Fulltext

An Australian QI project used the Scott Triggers tool to identify pressure risk injury before surgery.    The Scott Triggers® tool successfully identified 37 patients as high risk for pressure injury development, whereas only one was identified using the Braden Scale.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Chohan, N., & Tyagi, V. (2024). Surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine.  Read Fulltext

 This article covers comprehensive assessment, preoperative considerations to support shared decision making, and clinical governance surrounding surgical management of prolapse.


VTE risk with Direct-acting oral anticoagulants

Pilkerton CS, Adelman M, Crocetti E, et al. Direct Oral Anticoagulants: Probability of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism and Bleeding Risk in an Obese Population. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2024;58(8):781-789. doi:10.1177/10600280231212186. Read Abstract

This investigation evaluated whether patients with a body mass index (BMI) 35 kg/m2 or greater who were prescribed a DOAC had a higher risk for a recurrent VTE or bleed event relative to warfarin. The use of warfarin was associated with major bleeding events more frequently versus a DOAC. Body mass index was not a predictor for recurrent VTE or any bleed or major bleed events.


Long Covid Defintion

Ely, W. (2024). Long Covid defined. NEJM.July 31.  Read Abstract

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Examining the Working Definition for Long Covid have worked through the evidence to provide a structured and formal definition of Long Covid.  This has international collaboration and vignettes have been provided to support standardised vocabulary and labelling of long Covid patients.


Early warning system in nursing

Flenady, T., Connor, J., Byrne, A. L., Massey, D., & Le Lagadec, M. D. (2024). The impact of mandated use early warning system tools on the development of nurses' higher‐order thinking: A systematic review. Journal of clinical nursingRead Fulltext

Ascertain the impact of mandated use of early warning systems (EWSs) on the development of registered nurses' higher-order thinking. EWSs facilitate early identification of clinical deterioration in hospitalised patients. The impact of EWSs on the development of nurses' higher-order thinking is under-explored. We found that EWSs can support and suppress nurses' higher-order thinking. EWS as a supportive factor reinforces the development of nurses' heuristics, the mental shortcuts experienced clinicians call on when interpreting their subjective clinical assessment of patients. 

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

The following resources have Apps that can be freely downloaded.


Single sign-on to Library resources

WOW - A 400% increase of accessing the library via your personal device using single sign-on compared to the same period last year.

A shout out to 1 North and Cabrini Pharmacy staff who are engaged in utilising the resources available to them.

Another reminder that Cabrini staff no longer need to set up a personal registration, use your Cabrini staff log on details.

Read the revised library guide for further information.