How do I know if Cabrini subscribes to this journal?
This is the most common question asked.
- Sign in with your OpenAthens account prior to searching for your topic.
- If you are already logged with your OpenAthens account, the system will do the work for you in the following scenarios.
Article found via the Cabrini library site
- Cabrini's Discovery Search will automatically alert the user if there is no fulltext access by the following link under the record details.

- Simply click on this link and it will auto-populate a document delivery form which will be directly delivered to the library for processing.
Article found via Ovid Medline
- Accessing OVID Medline and clicking on the Check for fulltext link will also auto-populate the document delivery form, if no subscribed or open access is identified.
Article found via a publisher's website
- Staff can logon with their Open Athens account from a specific publisher site or via a search engine such as Google Scholar.
- This means that if you have found an article during a Google search, your access can be authenticated at the vendor's website, you do not have to go back to the Cabrini Library page to log in.
- Every publisher site is unique, but the Sign In or Login option to OpenAthens often appears in the top right corner of the screen.
- If you cannot find Cabrini Health listed under the Find Your Organization in OpenAthens, this means Cabrini does not subscribe to this journal. Recommend: Simply copy and paste your article citation into an email and mail to
The journal site has the Cabrini Health logo.
However I cannot open the fulltext article from this journal?
Frustrating I know. This means that Cabrini library may either have:
- Cancelled the subscription, but still has perpetual access to previous content OR
- The Journal offers Open Access on some of it's content but not access to recent or main research papers.
Recommend: Simply copy and paste your article citation into an email and mail to