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Cabrini Library Bulletin: Library Update June 2024

monthly bulletin featuring latest studies, news and featured resources

Welcome to Cabrini Library Bulletin

Library News

This section will highlight any new resources, services, guides and training.  As well as any updated information on resource updates provided by vendors or relevant health societies.

Latest Research

All recent research under relevant topics are listed with links to either the fulltext or the abstract.  Always remember that the library can provide a fulltext of an article not available by open access or subscribed links.

Latest Research

Pressure Injuries

McEvoy, N. L., Patton, D., Curley, G. F., & Moore, Z. (2024). Pressure ulcer risk assessment in the ICU. Is it time for a more objective measure?. Intensive & critical care nursing83, 103681. Read Abstract

This study set out to determine the correlation between Sub-Epidermal Moisture measurements and Braden scores among Intensive Care Unit patients. Although this was not its original intention, a missing link with the Braden scale is that it does not provide information on how patients are responding to the adverse effects of pressure and shear forces. Furthermore, in patients who are critically unwell, most patients are classified as being "at risk" of pressure ulcer development. Therefore, an objective measure of how patients are responding to pressure and shear forces at different anatomical areas is needed.


Trauma in the elderly patient

De Simone, B., Chouillard, E., Podda, M. et al. The 2023 WSES guidelines on the management of trauma in elderly and frail patients. World J Emerg Surg 19, 18 (2024)., Read Full Text  

The management of elderly trauma patients requires knowledge of ageing physiology, a focused triage, including drug history, frailty assessment, nutritional status, and early activation of trauma protocol to improve outcomes. Geriatric Intensive Care Units are needed to care for elderly and frail trauma patients in a multidisciplinary approach to decrease mortality and improve outcomes.


Electronic and self-rostering systems

O'Connell, M., Barry, J., Hartigan, I., Cornally, N., & Saab, M. M. (2024). The impact of electronic and self-rostering systems on healthcare organisations and healthcare workers: A mixed-method systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing33(7), 2374–2387. Read Full Text 

Rostering is a multifaceted responsibility for healthcare administrators, impacting patient care quality, workforce planning and healthcare expenditure. Given that healthcare staffing costs constitute a substantial portion of global healthcare expenditure, efficient and strategic resource management, inclusive of healthcare staff rostering, is imperative.

Listen to me!

Bucknall, T. K., Guinane, J., McCormack, B., Jones, D., Buist, M., & Hutchinson, A. M. (2024). Listen to me, I really am sick! Patient and family narratives of clinical deterioration before and during rapid response system intervention. Journal of clinical nursing, 10.1111/jocn.17310. Advance online publication.  Read Fulltext

To explore patient and family narratives about their recognition and response to clinical deterioration and their interactions with clinicians prior to and during Medical Emergency Team (MET) activations in hospital.


Exercise after bariatric surgery

Pino-Zúñiga, J., Olivares, M., Muñoz, G. et al. Early Exercise Through Telerehabilitation After Bariatric Surgery: Is It Feasible?. OBES SURG 34, 2101–2110 (2024).   Read Full Text

The feasibility of early telerehabilitation after bariatric surgery is unknown. The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility and perception of engaging in the online exercise protocol in patients during the first month after bariatric surgery.


Postoperative surgical site infections

Kumar, Kritika J. and Smith, Zaneta (2024) "Effectiveness of intra-operative gentamicin irrigation in reducing post-operative surgical site infections: A systematic review," Journal of Perioperative Nursing: Vol. 37 : Iss. 2 , Article 3. Read Full Text

To evaluate and synthesise the effectiveness of intra-operative gentamicin in reducing post-operative surgical site infections compared to other irrigating solutions or no irrigation.


Insulin therapy in critically ill patients

Webster RE, Belfer JJ, Schmidt KJ. Evaluation of Basal Plus Versus Sliding Scale Insulin Therapy on Glucose Variability in Critically Ill Patients Without Preexisting Diabetes. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2024;58(6):565-571.  Read Full Text

There is limited evidence evaluating the impact of insulin treatment strategies on glucose variability in critically ill patients without preexisting diabetes.

Library News

Virtual Chat

The Librarian (Di Horrigan) will be available online every Tuesday between 2.30-3pm to chat about any question you have (big or small).

Click here to join the chat.  As always if you have any urgent or other tasks you require assistance for please email Di anytime at  Di is available Monday, Tuesdays & Thursday in the library.

Single sign-on to Library resources

All Cabrini staff and health professionals with an email domain of can  seamlessly logon remotely to the library.

OpenAthens is now linked to the local staff directory.  This means you can logon to the library from any device anywhere!.

Read the revised library guide for further information. 

Peer-review Search filters for NSQHS standards

Health Libraries Australia designed and peer-reviewed search filters to align with the NSQHS standards.

Benefits of using the NSQHS search filter standards are :

  • Updating relevant Cabrini Clinical Safety and Quality Standards Committees with background reading. Share with your colleagues.
  • Searches are run in PubMed so free to use anywhere and anytime.
  • Search filters are broad or refined by local (Australian ) research
  • Searches have been endorsed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Latest evidence to support updating or creating Prompt policies and guidelines. Refer to the Clinical Procedures Development Libguide
  • Assist with information in strategic planning and health administration operations.

 Go to the following link for the full range of searches

 A dedicated NSQHS standards subject guide is also available