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This guide will provide tutorials on how to use Endnote software

Imported into the Endnote Library by three different methods

  •  Searching an external database and importing records into Endnote 
  • Connecting to a database/library catalogue from inside the Endnote Library software
  • Manually entering a record into the Endnote library


All Cabrini databases eg. Medline, Psychino, EMBASE, CINAHL will allow you to select references and export directly into your Endnote Library

Please watch the following online tutorials on exporting reference(s) from the following sources

Important Points

  • It is not possible to convert a reference list from a Microsoft Word Document to records in an Endnote library.
  • Export a Complete Record from databases whenever possible, in order to import all available information about the reference into Endnote.
  • Use the Research Notes field in a record to add your comments to that record.