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This guide will provide tutorials on how to use Endnote software

Latest Version of Endnote

As of April 2021, Version 20 is the latest version of Endnote.  

If you are working with an earlier version, please go to your affiliated universities Endnote page and install the latest version possible.


Where can I download the Endnote software?

Cabrini Staff undertaking further tertiary studies or research projects can download the Endnote software from their affiliated universities.

Your Institution library website provides access to download Endnote, and provide online support and guides.

If you wish to have hands on training, please email Di Horrigan at to arrange a session.

Online Tutorials

Depending on your device, please go to the appropriate tutorial to learn the basics of Endnote

Both videos cover the following basics

  • Two ways to import a reference from an online database
  • How to create a custom group and add references to it
  • How to use Find Full Text to download pdf's for reference
  • How to insert a reference in a word document
  • How to format a bibliography
  • How to add page numbers to a citation
How to use EndNote in six minutes: Windows -  Please see link
How to use EndNote in six minutes: macOS  - Please see link

Further Training Resources

Clarivate are the vendors which support the buying and training of Endnote.

Clarivate's  website has a dedicated training page