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This guide will provide tutorials on how to use Endnote software

Setting up an Endnote Library for the first time

  • It is recommended that ONE Library is created with as many groups as you require.
  • An Endnote Library can contain up to 100,000 references.
  • Remember groups can be deleted or added at any time.
  • When inserting citations in it also easier to have only one library to work from.

Important Points to remember

  • Set up one Library with as many Groups as required.
  • Endnote automatically saves your Library as My Endnote Library.enl.
  • The name "My Endnote" can be changed to suit your current workflow/job description.
  • Always keep .enl as the file extension
  • Do not save your Endnote Library into a cloud sharing device such as Dropbox as this can corrupt your Library
  • Always sync your Library regularly, especially if you are using Endnote Online in conjunction with the desktop version of Endnote.