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Standards : SAI Global

Search and find Australian and international standards on a variety of subject areas. Learn how to request standards.
NEW STANDARDS PLATFORM - i2i (October 2023)

From October 2023 access to Australian and international standards will be provided by the i2i platform.

(the previous platform SAI Global has now been retired and all users must access the i2i platform which now is branded as Intertek Inform)

Usage is restricted to one concurrent user. If you cannot access the standards, please try again later. 

Cabrini Australia staff (including CTG staff) will be required to set up a new personal registration with i2i to download, print, save or view a standard. 

Please go to the How to Set Up a Personal Registration Box below for instructions.

i2i is a new platform please watch the video below to familiarise with the new look and features

How to set up a personal registration

i2i requires all users of the databases to self-register the first time they attempt to download any Standards Australia, or ISO and IEC content.

If you have previously had a registration on the old Standards website you will be required to set up a new registration.

Click on the NEW REGISTRATION button from the main page OR alternatively use this link

Complete the form with your personal details and please use your Cabrini email domain for your email address.

You cannot use your personal email accounts.

Once you have registered a confirmation an email will be sent with a link to confirm your account.

Please keep your user name and password handy for access when accessing the standards.

Login Links

The login link is

Always click on the logout button (click on user image in the top right hand corner) when you have finished your session.

  • Subscription includes Australian and International standards.
  • Access is available only via internal access and remote access via the Cabrini VPN network
  • Please note our subscription only allows one user at a time.

Technical Issues

Tips to download PDF's

When attempting to download documents in i2i, a DRM Protected Document message will pop up (image below).

Difficulty downloading and opening PDF's

Downloading and opening pdfs of Standards requires two plugins, FileOpen and Adobe Acrobat Reader.

If plugins are not installed or incorrectly set up on your computer you may see the following message.

If you receive the following pop up message please please contact Cabrini IT on ext 1010 or email


Other issues

For any issues regarding setting up a personal registration  URL linkage or ordering a new standard, please contact the library on ext 3430 or


Ordering a Standard that is locked

A standard that is not part of the existing Library subscriptions can be unlocked however payment of the standard must be covered by the requesting department.

  • Staff must have authorization from their Manager to order and pay for the unlocked standard prior to unlocking the standard.
  • When a standard is unlocked an automated email will be sent to the Administrator (Librarian) who will login to unlock the standard.
  • Turnaround time is around 1 hour during business hours or immediately at the start of the next business day.

An invoice for payment will follow immediately afterwards to the requesting department.

Payment must be made within 30 days.

Standard Watch

How do I keep up to date with a standard if it is rescinded or revised?

If the standard is currently available in Cabrini's collection the new edition of the standard will automatically become available.

To watch documents for updates, click on the eye icon in the search results.


To watch multiple documents, select them in the search results and then click Actions > Watch selected.

Cabrini's Subscription Library Model

  • An annual subscription renewal is paid in October of each year to keep continual access to standards required for accreditation purposes.
  • Any new standards unlocked within that 12 month period are automatically added to the collection for payment.
  • Review and evaluation of the subscription is undertaken by the Library, CSSD, Engineering and CTG Technology representatives.
  • The Librarian is the current administrator of the Standards Online renewal.