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ACORN Standards: ACORN - Perioperative Standards

ACORN - Perioperative Standards

How Do I Access the ACORN Standards


Please use Goggle Chrome to access ACORN standards. 

Copy and paste the following URL into your search browser


New logon details (March, 2024)

User Name = Cabrini

Password = Cabrini183

Other Access points for ACORN are

  • ACORN is also linked on Cabinet under the Library page via Cabinet.
  • ACORN is listed under Medical Resources from the Quick Links Drop Down on Cabinet Main Page

Please note ACORN cannot be accessed remotely due to licence agreements with the Publisher.

Latest ACORN standards now available

NEW ACORN Standards - March 2023

The New ACORN Standards will supersede any previous versions of the ACORN Standards.

The only exceptions are the standards listed below which are yet to be updated and included in The New ACORN Standards.

  • Loan sets and trial re-usable medical devices
  • Performance review
  • Reprocessing re-usable medical devices
  • New equipment and instrumentation
  • Staffing for safety
  • Visitors to the perioperative environment
  • Professional development
  • Perioperative nurse surgeon’s assistant
  • Anaesthetic gas pollution
  • Planning and design of the perioperative environment

The Standards still valid from the 16th edition standards above can be found at 


What are the ACORN Standards

The Standards support Australian perioperative nurses to deliver safe and high-quality evidence-based perioperative care. The Standards also guide Australian perioperative nurses in:

  • reducing risks to perioperative patients and staff
  • complying with relevant Australian national, jurisdictional and local accreditation processes as well as legislative and regulatory instruments and requirements
  • reviewing and improving current perioperative practices.